1993 – Daily Express: Bean Machine
::Bean Machine 1 May 1993 by Margaret Forwood When they told Sean Bean he was being promoted as a sex symbol in his new TV series, Sharpe, his reply was succinct. “Oooh,Read More…
::Bean Machine 1 May 1993 by Margaret Forwood When they told Sean Bean he was being promoted as a sex symbol in his new TV series, Sharpe, his reply was succinct. “Oooh,Read More…
::Sean Adds Polish to a Rough Diamond 1 May 1993 by Jill Parsons DASHING and brave but with a definite lack of breeding, Richard Sharpe cuts a swathe through the French cavalry,Read More…
::Mr. Bean November 1993 He can be brooding, volatile and intense, but Jessica Berens discovers that despite Sean Bean’s bodice-ripping screen act, this Nineties Heathcliffe prefers Sheffield United and suburbia. Will SeanRead More…
::ROGUE MALE by Elaine Paterson Time Out May 26-June 2, 1993 From rapists to terrorists, Sean Bean has made the deadly dangerous fatally attractive. Now he’s using his rough charm in KenRead More…
::Top Gun Bean Goes for Gold 13 November 1992 Moira Petty Terrorist Sean turns to crime as Hollywood beckons SEAN BEAN makes little concession to success. Home is a council house inRead More…
::Nice Guy Behind Mr. Nasty 31 August 1991 Sean Bean is television’s flavour of the month. Rob Driscoll talks to the actor who always seems to play the bad guy. Wife-beater, philanderer,Read More…